It was a miracle - all 10 kids dressed, fed, and ready (in matching Mickey shirts, thanks to an awesome Aunt) bright and early after a bit of a late night. We piled into the van and parked in Pinocchio - a choice spot. We got our tickets just a few minutes after Disneyland opened at 8:00.
The morning was spent going from ride to ride, taking kids to potties, and putting little ones down for naps in strollers.
I'm a bit of a scaredy-cat. Ask anyone. I am not a big ride rider person. But these kids, on the other hand, were up for anything and everything.
Three of the cousins got to participate in a Jedi training. The force was with them, and they defeated Darth Vader.
We hung out with the likes of Buzz Lightyear, Snow White, and Jasmine.
We ate, and it was good. Dinner was Clam Chowder in a bread bowl for me. I want more right now.
The kids were amazing and sweet and happy and fun. There was almost no grumpiness or tears. We even kept them up late until after the Fantasmic fireworks show in the evening. It was worth it.
But, oh, the thought of getting all these bodies back to the hotel was almost too much for me. I was ready to be done.
Tyler and Mademoiselle stayed at Disney until it closed. The rest of us successfully returned to the hotel rooms.
When Mademoiselle and The Funnest Daddy in the World finally returned, well past midnight, I expected some sad stories from an exhausted girl. I was wrong.
She cuddled next to me. She told me everything they did with the happiest smile and the most excited voice. She kept up the story as she drifted off to sleep.
It sounded something like this:
matterhorn...teacups...splash mountain... cream...
how sweet and awesome!
It was so fun!!
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