
Our sweet baby James isn't a baby anymore!  Now he's a big brother, with more than a little love for his "baby wewis".  He pays him such attention and takes such great care of him - it's a beautiful thing to see.  Most of the time these days I have Lewis in my arms, nursing, and James taking up whatever of my body space is left.  Like right this very second, I'm nursing the wee one, typing with one hand, James is seated on my left leg and is kicking the computer table (instead of going to bed).  I feel everything like a pretzel, and nothing if not cozy.

I'm trying to soak in every one of these sweet moments, because I know I'm going to blink one of these days a these little ones will be ten, and then another day I'll blink again and they'll be leaving this little house of ours.  I know the cliche, but I don't care - my oldest is well over the halfway point to adulthood, and I still feel like a young new mom, only I'm not!  I'm a mom of 5!  And there's nothing in this world I've ever wanted to do as much as being a mom, so I better enjoy it while I can, right?


Martie said...

RIGHT! I feel that way too, every day. You are a smart lady. Really, it all disappears so quickly. Enjoy those seconds! What a sweet picture! I am SO happy to have you back... I hope. I love you!!!!!

Martie said...

By the way, James looks so big. I would love to see him when you have time to take a pic or two. His hair looks so dark! Is it? In July I hope to be able to take some new pics, if you would let me. I'll bet EVERYONE is getting so big! I miss you.

Martie said...

Sorry. How obnoxious, right? But I wanted to say that I am still amazed that you have 5 children. WHen did that happen??? Anyway, it makes me very, very happy.

Sara Lee said...

You are wonderful, amazing and totally rock...keep up the pretzeling!

Peg Lewis said...

Look what I found on your blog! It's so very sweet.... And of course the backstory of fatigue and busy-ness
is well-hidden. All the more do I honor you for that.