Here's another day in the life of our homeschool. You can find last weeks' here.
We had a typical Monday morning over here; lots of cleaning and picking up before starting the day. Sunday makes our house crazy, what can I say?
M. and I finished Daisy Dawson. It was a cute little story, and a sweet little magical ending, but nothing amazing. M. and I practiced her 3 times tables by bouncing a ball back and forth and seeing how high we could get with them without a mistake. It was fun, and our highest was 72 before a mistake, and we got several rounds of practicing in. Later in the day, M. and her friend spent hours researching real life princesses around the world.
M. and S. learned about Nevada today (we try to learn about a new state every week). They independently located it on our US map. They both colored the Nevada flags, and listened to me read facts and information about Nevada. S. then narrated some information back to me, and M. wrote 10 interesting facts down on her state map paper. She had to use her best handwriting. One "fact" was, "Nevada is famous for being naughty." Hmm...not exactly what I said, but I guess I'll take it.
S. and I read the rest of a book his Gram gave him for Valentine's Day - First Grade Friends Forever, about a little boy named Sam. S. did a really great job reading to me. S. and I reviewed his subtraction facts using flashcards. S. also did 2 pages in his Handwriting Without Tears book. He was a little fast, and had to redo a little bit of it. One thing I try to emphasize is not necessarily the amount of work done, but that everything we do is our very best. (This is a principle of Charlotte Mason education.) S. looked through and read a bit in a book about geography, and loved reading about faults and the Grand Canyon. He also read about parrots in another book.
B. wanted to do school, too, so S. and B. got out our unit blocks and some cards that had #'s 1-10 on them, and they put the right number of blocks on the right cards. He loves doing a learning activity every day like the big kids.
It was a fun day! If you have any questions, please ask in the comments. I'd love to answer them!
Not a question, just a validation. M. is totally right about the naughtiness, baby! Take it from a Vegas girl.
lol!!! I thought that was hilarious! :)
When I tutored kids, that was one of my favorite parts (thinking of fun new ways to help them learn!) :)
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