Hi! This is Martie, Katie's older sister. I just wanted to give you a quick update on Katie and her family.
They are settled in at their new place of residence, though they are staying in temporary quarters for the time being. Katie said the area is gorgeous and the temperatures are mild. They love it! The children are settling in, though they miss their old home.
Katie also has another bit of news, which about knocked me out of my socks. She and her husband are expecting a new little bundle of joy (and cuteness, of course!) in August. Katie is feeling so-so, but she is a trooper. If I'm correct, I think she is around 10 weeks, but I may be wrong on that. Isn't that the greatest news???!?
Hopefully she will be back up on the computer soon. Meantime, she just wanted to let you know what they're up to and that they're OK.
Take care,
just waiting for KT..... sigh
Hey, Sheila. I will pass that on to K!
Katie, I am really really excited for you! We miss you guys already! I hope we get to see each other soon. Tell everyone we love them!
Congrats to Katie and Tyler! But WHERE exactly did they move? I knew they were moving but never found out where ?
I stumbled across your blog on LDS BLOGS. I thought you mighe be interested in a site my wife and I just built called MormonsMadeSimple.com, which uses simple, explanatory videos to explain the Mormon faith. Feel free to feature any of these videos on your blog, or just share them with non-member friends. We're hoping these videos will be missionary tools to help members share their beliefs. Anyway, sorry to spam your comments section. I couldn't find any contact information for you on your blog.
- Doug & Laurel
Hi! I hope you're back really, really soon!
I miss you.
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