
where we've lived

We've moved so many times, and I don't want to start forgetting, my memory being as poor as it is, about the many different places we've lived.  I'm going to write about each of them briefly so that even if they don't stick in my mind, they will still be remembered somewhere.

When we returned from our honeymoon, we moved our stuff into a little apartment nearish the U of A.  We only lived there about a month.  It was a strange situation - we had friends who were moving into Tyler's old room in his apartment, and we were going to be moving in, two doors down from there.  But, the landlords weren't going to be ready to let us move in until after we were married.  So, we moved into the apartment those friends were moving out of.  Musical chairs, you know?

I don't think I even ever used the kitchen in that place?  We moved in, boxes everywhere, determined to unpack as little as possible.  And I got my wisdom teeth out.  For reals, of all the times to get your wisdom teeth out, I suggest it not being within a month, either before or after, of your wedding date.  Not super smart on my part!

There was one defining quirk of that apartment  - the walls didn't connect to the ceiling.  It was 2 floors, kinda dinky, and the walls went up to about 6 inches below the ceiling and stopped.  Just like that.  And so the crazy awful thing about that was you basically were connected to the stranger/neighbor next door's apartment.

That opened up a whole slew of awkwardness, which I'll not even begin to touch on here.  But I'm sure you could imagine some of the many ways that could be bad.

I remember one day Tyler brought home some air freshener to help the place smell less dank.  It was a berry scent, and absolutely horrible!  He sprayed it everywhere before we realized what a bad idea that was.  I remember standing outside our door on the sidewalk just waiting and waiting until it cleared enough that I could even stand being inside the apartment.

I was super happy to leave that place and move into our real apartment, which really was a part of a quadraplex, not an apartment building. We were moving next to a bunch of friends, and right across the street from the U of A - a super ideal location!


Janalee said...

I am 100% fascinated with these stories. I can't imagine an apt that the walls don't touch the ceiling - very odd. so if you wanted you could slide a mirror over the wall and spy on your neighbors?

I got my wisdom teeth pulled right after we were married too and I remember art sticking them in his mouth trying to make me laugh. disgusting.

Unknown said...

I can’t imagine myself living in an apartment where privacy is a privilege and not a basic right. I’m glad to know that you moved out of that place and into a new one! It’s in an ideal location for you, and you have a bunch of friends nearby. I’m sure it’s lovely there!

Stasia Delatorre