
We visited Van, my brother, and his girls.
Mademoiselle loved the school desk and making pictures for her cousins, swimming, and playing dress up with them.
S.A.M. loved swinging on their swing in the front yard and kept asking the girls, "You miss me? You yove me?"
Benefactor loved the grass, eating the sidewalk chalk, and banging around their little birdcage.
We visited Margaret, my sister, and her family.
Mademoiselle loved playing dress up with her little cousin, slip and sliding in the back yard, and trying to put together a show in the church gym with some cousins and friends.
S.A.M. loved having so many boys around, playing video games for the first time, and eating yummy chocolate chip "tookies".
Benefactor loved climbing the stairs, his uncle and special cousin friend, and getting all the attention a little heart could ever desire.
We visited the children's great-grandparents, Grandma and Granpa Haws.
Mademoiselle loved her great-aunts' attention and jewelry, the merry-go-round in the yard, and learning a new song on the piano.
S.A.M. loved the tractors, the tractors, the tractors, the four wheelers, and the tractors.
Benefactor loved ice cubes for his sore gums, swinging on my lap holding both chains, and showing off his walking skills to a very willing audience.
We visited Chris, my brother, and his family.
Mademoiselle loved the attention of two fun and indulging big girl cousings, sleeping over in their room, and painting her nails in rainbow colors.
S.A.M. loved his special cousin friend and swords and laughing and new toys.
Benefactor loved his uncle, pushing chairs all over the place, and having lots of room to explore.
We all loved building stronger relationships with people who are so important to us. We saw some beautiful places and things. We learned a lot from being welcomed into so many wonderful homes and families.
Thank you!
(no pictures until I find my camera-to-computer cord!)


Anonymous said...

So sorry that I missed you this time. I had time set aside in my schedule to see you and then communication ended up not being clear about who was going to be where when. Next time you come through town it would be great to see you and your kids. So glad to hear that you were able to get out and about and see those people in your life you feel such a connection to. My girls love you and your kids.

:) MRL

Katie Richins said...

Yeah, I was disappointed it didn't work out. Next time, for sure. I liked catching up with you on the phone.
We had an absolute blast with the girls. Hopefully I can find my camera cord and e-mail you some great pictures.